Have you ever dreamed of owning a farm, surrounded by the captivating beauty of nature, and committed to sustainable practices? Look no further than this sprawling 26-hectare ecological paradise, located in Costa Rica. This farm is a haven for those seeking to escape the hustle and bustle of city living and embrace a serene, sustainable lifestyle. In this blog post, we will take you on a journey through this stunning property, outlining its features and benefits for those interested in buying real estate in Costa Rica.

Situated 600m (2000 feet) above the surrounding countryside, this 26-hectare permaculture farm boasts a diverse range of 80 animals and numerous species of fruit and vegetables. With refreshing mountain breezes, breathtaking views worth billions, and a prestigious two-star Ecological Blue Flag accreditation, it also encompasses 17 hectares of primary (old-growth) jungle. Yet, it remains well-connected to power, internet, water, and benefits from a strong mobile phone signal. Located within close proximity to a local village and just a few kilometers drive from the Pan-American Highway (National Route 2), which is dotted with towns, this property offers access to all necessary services and amenities. The farm is located a few hundred meters from the access road

The farm’s primary jungle covers over 17 hectares of pristine untouched rainforest, home to a thriving ecosystem of local flora and fauna. You can lose yourself exploring this natural paradise, immersing yourself in activities like bird watching, hiking, or simply soaking up the beauty around you. Just imagine the peace and tranquility of waking up to the sounds of tropical birds or falling asleep to the lullaby of a nearby waterfall.

The farm’s inventory of plants and crops is equally diverse, boasting a range of citrus plants, multiple banana species, sweet potatoes, coffee, pineapple, mangosteen, and pumpkins. You’ll have everything you need to embark on your own sustainable agricultural project. With three large compost heaps available for fertilization, you’ll be able to maintain a thriving crop and garden with ease.

Water is a vital resource in any farming project, and this farm has you covered. The property features a 7-meter deep artesian well, providing you with a reliable and sustainable source of water for all your farming needs. If you’re looking to protect and preserve the pristine forested land, you can participate in the Payment for Environmental Services Program. This program allows the forested land to be officially protected over either five or ten-year contracts that are subject to government approval. With this program, you can feel good knowing that you are doing your part in creating a sustainable future for the next generation.

Over 65% of the property, specifically 17 out of the 26 hectares, consists of primary growth jungles. These forests hold significant value as they are officially protected through the Payment for Environmental Services program, managed by the Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal (FONAFIFO). The program offers contracts for 5 or 10 years to ensure carbon sequestration, biodiversity protection, water regulation, and landscape beauty. Landowners receive compensation for these contracts, effectively transforming the forested areas into hassle-free income sources. This arrangement not only generates revenue but also allows the property owners to continue enjoying the forests. It is important to note that this service is subject to approval from relevant government agencies.

Finally, the farm also boasts several trails that lead to rivers, swimming holes, and a captivating waterfall. You can take a 15-minute walk through the primary growth jungle to reach an extraordinary viewpoint that offers breathtaking views of the magnificent scenery that surrounds you.

FRUIT, VEGETABLE, AND HERB LIST – by number of trees/shrubs / plants or the area of coverage:

21 Papaya
3 Caimito
2 Mangostan
1 Moringa
3 Katuk
2 Manzana de Agua
200 Vanilla
100 Pepper
8 Chilli
6 Maracuja
10 Coconut
175 Cacao
17 Coffee
100+ Pineapple
8 Avocado
5 Cafechino
50 Borijo
100 Palmheart Palms
1 ha+ Bananas
10+ Guaba
2 Guayaba
4 Guanabana
10 Chiscaquil
2 Zapote
8 Hitao
1ha+ Mamones

A new Food Forest has the following

4 Avocado
1 Cas Creollo
8 Sweet Lemon
2 Lemon
3 Papaturro
2 Caimito
6 Mandarina
5 Manga
24 Orange
3 Guayaba hawaiana
2 Nance
1 Soncoja
2 Guaba Chillio
3 Carambola
2 Guaba de la Costa
Platanos, Quadrados, Oregano, Mint, Lemongrass, Cilandro, Basil, Lemon Balm, Ginger, Turmeric, Potatoes: Tequisque and Papa Chiricana and Sweet Potatoes, Maniok, AND MORE!
